Apple has just sent a new beta of its 10.6.2 update its system for Snow Leopard. Good news: This patch will set out the problem with the guest account.
The 10C527f build fixes so the case is potentially very painful when Snow Leopard will completely erase data from normal user account, after using the Guest account. Indeed, if one opens a session with him, nothing is saved, all operating as if it were a private session in a browser. But if it disconnects then return to the normal session, Snow Leopard apparently believes that it is also a Guest account and delete all personal data. This serious problem that apparently does not arise for systems with the guest account was activated before the upgrade to Leopard Snow Leopard. This limits the number of possible cases, but nevertheless one is vague enough to tarnish the image of the system ... The new beta update also fixes several other concerns and improves reliability for iWork, iLife, Aperture, Final Cut Studio, MobileMe, iDisk, and Safari plugins. Finally, the graphics drivers are updated which improves certain points, such as problems related to playback of video content to 1080p. Some QuickTime video, which could not be read with version X of the reader, now pose more of inconvenience.