OpenBSD, a BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) the best known, has just landed in version 4.6. Easier installation, new services, and HCL are extended in the program. It is the founder of the distribution, Theo de Raadt, who announced the news in person. It thus indicates that the new installer system greatly simplifies the process and it has been almost completely rewritten. Operations relating to the handling of hard drives and partitions are so much easier. Other important new features, it is noted mainly:
- VLAN Support
- A standard user account can now be created directly during the installation
- process A new server for email
- The Web server can now distribute files larger than 2GB
- The FTP server automatically records the IP addresses and identifiers in the new connections - Manager load balancing (relayd, load distribution) can now redirects TCP and UDP
- SSL sessions are also run by relayd
- Pf, the OpenBSD network filter is enabled by default
- Numerous improvements to the routing daemons and OpenBGPD OpenOSPFD
- OpenSSH version 5.3
- Support software RAID solutions can now support the reconstruction, as in the case of RAID 1 - Better support for Sparc64 hardware platforms and SGI
- New drivers for graphics cards, network (especially wireless) or to the video devices on USB Those who may wish to consult the long list of changes in this version.