Lately, one badly did not discuss the projects of Mozilla concerning the interfaces of Firefox 3.7 and 4.0. But before really being able to benefit from these renewals, a version 3.6 must initially pass. Precisely, first beta is awaited for the next week, if all occurs well.Firefox 3.5 According to the developers of Mozilla themselves, planning suggested was the following
- 5 October : freezing of the code
- 6October : the first compilation for beta
- 7October (today): beginning of tests QA (quality insurance)
- 13October : end of the tests QA, publication of beta
But like specified it Mike Belltzner, this rate/rhythm supposes a rate/rhythm of high work since there remains a certain number of problems unsolved currently.But what brings really this version 3.6? In fact, this new Firefox will remain in the line of grinding 3.5: as a large majority of the improvements under the cap:
1-Engine of returned HTML Gecko 1.9.2
2- Light topics
3-Improvements of the engine TraceMonkey
4-Javascript A more succeeded version of the system of restoration of sessions
5-One returned of the faster Web page
6- A better support of CSS