The small firm Eolas Technologies, related to a Californian university, has just struck a great media move by attacking the following giants: Adobe, Amazon, Apple, eBay, Google, JPMorgan Drive out & Co, Office Deposit, Perot Systems, Sun Microsystems, Texas Instruments, Yahoo! , YouTube, and ten d' other companies.This massive complaint makes following a fight of several years vis-a-vis Microsoft as for a use by Internet Explorer d' a patent pertaining to Eolas. L' business s' is finally balanced by a transaction (secret) with l' friendly, after the confirmation by the American patent-office of the validity of the patent d' Eolas.Eolas, which n' no relationship with famous lawyer has, in 2004 had gained its lawsuit and would have owed empocher the rondelette nap of 565 million dollars, if Microsoft n' had not made call of the first judgment.L' current business carrying on the same American patent (5,838,906) in addition d' another patent (7,599,985), the sums could reach tops well if the verdict in favour d' Eolas is similar to that d' five years ago.The first patent relates to l' integration d' interactive applications in the navigators. It was used 16 years ago, in 1993, and was officially deposited 11 years ago, in 1998. The second patent is in the same vein, puisqu' it allows the Web sites d' to be completely interactive thanks to applications of the Javascript type and AJAX. That explain certainly the presence of sites like eBay, Google, YouTube, Amazon and Yahoo!.