Monday, 28 September 2009
Social Networks:companies are still in experimental stage
Social networks are more laboratory analysis as strategic tools in the enterprise."This is the conclusion drawn by Christophe Excoffier, CEO Novamétrie at the show September 24 in Paris, the first edition of the Barometer of social networking company realized with Digital Jobs, consultancy in HR management. Its peculiarity?Thirty human resource managers of medium and large enterprises (Cegid, Bouygues Telecom, IBM, SAP, etc..) And around 300 employees were surveyed. The responses provide interesting insights.) And 5% as having an impact on the business organization.Read Article Only 2% of hires from social networks Few companies have implemented a strategy to use these tools, even if the initial positions of "responsible social media" are emerging, Dassault systems, for example.For 80% of HRD and for 92% of staff, the sites linking type Viadeo or Facebook are primarily tools of image and communication. Only 15% of HRD them as useful trade or marketing (launch of new products, attract new customers ...Among the collaborators, they are only 12% believed that their company has established a program in this mature field, with concrete results. In recruitment, for example, social networks still represent a small part of ermbauches made (2%).A proportion, according to HRD interviewed, should reach 10% in 2011. In turn, 82% of employees consider effective social networks for finding jobs, but only 5% have obtained their current position with these tools ... Still, things are moving. The companies have projects, experimenting ...They are thinking in particular to test these sites for recruiting (including overseas) and to promote mixed profiles. "We think about it. We think including partnerships to address issues of diversity. We'll do a test with the recruitment of disabled people.Unsurprisingly, for HRD, the number one problem is the privacy and data security (60% of respondents).If it is successful, we will continue with visible minorities, "says an HRD cited in the study. Respect privacy and data security Social networking still arouse misgivings.Cultural aspects (to integrate these new technologies internally not improvised) came second, before declining productivity worried that 5% Department of Human Resources. Employees, meanwhile, believe that what hinders the company is primarily a decline in productivity (19%).Issues of confidentiality and security can only come second. The qualitative study identifies some risks to employees and the company: post a photo on Facebook that is so sick, criticizing his service or worse, to disclose highly confidential information ...Yet management as employees see fit to include black and white rules of conduct to guide their use. This is especially a means to guard against the risk of data disclosure and privacy a top priority for 67% of employees.On professional sites like Linkedin and Viadeo, beware of false step! Apply for an offer from a competitor when we are in position, appear in their profile that is available when one is employed by a company ... Despite these obstacles, only 14% of companies have drafted a charter for the use of social networks.Companies create their own social networking sites 2.0 These have resulted in new domestic uses. A quarter of HRD interviewed in the study have already implemented projects in this area.A company has created a list of grievances between the digital branch and the players union. Another has developed a platform dedicated to telecommuting risks associated with influenza and a webzine that provides updated information on the subject.It includes blogs, a community between lawyers, managers and staff representatives. So many innovative examples that are not yet widely used in enterprises.However, as the barometer, more than half of HRD believe that these internal social networks will be a strategic priority for 2012